Saturday, 14 June 2014

Saturdays (:

So it's Saturday.. The day of relaxation and sleeping in
Haha just kidding
I woke up at 7 so I could be at the ball diamond to coach my 10 and under team at 8. We're in the finals!

From 2-3:30 I have to go help set up decorations for grad.. 
Then at 4 another baseball game!

I have stupid poison ivy all over my feet and legs and omg. I can't handle this shit. It's actually terrible cause you want to scratch it so badly but you can't. Ugh.

Anyways. Love you all

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Day 3

So today I wrote my exam in math... And I hope it went well. I really don't remember much about it, but I hope it went well :)

Today was a rather unproductive day.. I've been a bit 'off' lately so hopefully me sleeping some will help. 

I have an exam on Monday and then I'm done school forever! ... Well highschool.. I have 6 more years of university to do 😂 

To finish off this post, I lovely picture of an attractive Logan lerman... Cause who doesn't want to see that? Right? ;)

Anyways, keep your head up, tomorrow will be better, and keep pushing through. 
Love you, 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Day 2 continued

So it's now night, I'm through the day, and you'd expect the worst to be through. 

Apparently not. I ate some soup while I studied for my exam tomorrow and mid eating it I had to rush to the bath room and ended up being sick. After that I was feeling kindof dizzy so I sat on the toilet. I ended up passing out on the toilet, crumpled over myself. My dad ended up finding me there, and my parents helped me wake up, and got me to my bed cause I was extremely weak and couldn't really move by myself. 
When I tried to talk it turns out I started talking like id had a stroke again. All slurred together and hard to tell what I'm saying.
I really just hope this all goes away so I can write my exam tomorrow and do the best I possibly can. 

On a positive note- I got 100% from my English teacher (who rarely gives 100% out) on one of my biggest assignments of the semester. So my mark is now 93% going into the final! Yay!

Anyways, nighty night, sleep well,

Day 2

Yay for no makeup! .. Far too lazy  For things like that. 
I'm actually at school! Yay!
I'm officially done highschool on Friday!

I have an exam tomorrow (which I'm very unprepared for) and one on Monday (which I'm also unprepared for) 

I decided to start blogging daily because it's a good way to keep up with myself. Anywho, I need to start school. 

I have to go get my monthly blood work today (I have blood drawn every month to make sure everything is stable), visit my grandpa in the hospital, mail some letters and grad cars, get my hair done, and have a baseball game.. And somehow find time to study..

It'll work it's self out! 
... Fingers crossed 🙈 
Anyways, ttyl, 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Esther Grace Earl

I have recently started reading a book called "This Star Won't Go Out" by Esther Earl, which was published with the help of her family and the noteworthy John Green. He said that Esther was the inspiration for Hazel Grace in The Fault In Our Stars. 
I stumbled across this book in Walmart and it caught my attention because of the beautiful young girl on the front. Then I realized it infact was a memoir for this beautiful young soul who was now up in heaven smiling down on us. 
I took the book and trekked across the store to my mum and asked if I could by it. Her response was simple "it looks rather sad Brynn." 
I knew exactly why she was saying this. She worries that because I am sick stories like this will make me sad and defeated. I explained to her that it was inspirational and it probably would be good for me to read something coming from someone my age who also was sick. She ending up letting my purchase the book. 
One thing about my mum... Well both my parents.. They're extremely supportive, I know raising a child who is sick with such an unpredictable disease can be extremely tough. I'm sure some days they want to hide me away from the world so the pain will stop, but they realize I still am alive, happy and growing. Suffocating me is worse than being sick. 

As it turns out for the next two days I lost my memory of things. Like my house, my room, what we did during the day, everything. 
So I ended up forgetting completely I purchase the book I was so very excited to read. 

As with almost everything with Lyme disease and it's co-infections, it comes in bursts and then goes away. So two days after I couldn't remember anything I was fine again and my memory was sound. 
I started reading this book and it is just absolutely beautiful. It really inspired me to start up my blog again. The person Esther was regardless of her illness was truly amazing and who I strive to be very day. Being sick can be debilitating on you, and the ones who love you, but Esther shows up how to not let the sickness win.

I write this as I lay in my bed... I really should be at school but I can't talk, I think I'm talking properly but it comes out as a slurred mixed up sentence. Mum says it's almost like I had a stroke, but I'll most likely be fine by tonight or tomorrow and go on living my life. I didn't start this blog again because I think I'm going to die, I'm not going to die, I'm being treated and hopefully it will cure me. I started it again because even if I can inspire or give hope to one other person then I've done my job. 

I don't like my sickness to define me. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but I also don't know if I'd change what happened. It's taught me more about myself, my strength and the people who love me than most people ever learn in their life time, and for that I am truly grateful. 


So I've been away quite a while... Basically a year, and for that I apologize. 
A lot has changed since then and I guess I'll give you the run down. 
I graduate high school on the 20th of June! Yayayayay! 
I've been accepted to the university of Manitoba for family social sciences within the faculty of human ecology, with hopes of later on becoming a teacher! 
They found out that I have Lyme disease, which is a good and bad thing, but regardless of how you look at it, it is what it is.
Even though I have this disease I'm basically a normal teenager.. I just miss school more. 
I realize that most people don't want to read a blog about a sick almost 18 year old who spends too much time at home, reads too much and is slightly socially awkward. But this is as much for me as it is for anyone else who decides to read this.
One thing I've learned through everything is that it takes a whole lot more to be sad and upset about your life and circumstances than to be happy and carefree. 