Tuesday, 8 July 2014

In sickness and in health.

Today I'm sick. Duh.. It's a cycle week/day. 
I've been alone almost all of today, which is fine because I can't talk properly (I sound like I'm having a stroke) because I was alone I did a lot of sleeping, watching pretty little liars :) andd thinking. I honestly hate thinking because I tend to overthink everything and it makes me anxious and then I worry about everything - usually things I have absolutely no control over. 
Today I just sat and thought about being sick and finding love. The combonation usually doesn't fit, and when it does it's a beautiful and wonderful thing, but it's rare. Love for healthy people is amazing, but also hard to find. When you're sick it just ups the stakes of being hard to find. 
I understand why someone wouldn't want to be with me and I don't blame anyone at all. Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I still don't have feelings, and want to be loved. I still want to do the normal teenage "go out on a date" thing. 
As I'm nearing university and the unknown of meeting new people and attempting to explain my sickness all over again is really terrifying for me. What if people don't like me? Or what if after they find out I'm sick won't accept me? What if I fall in love with someone and they can't handle the fact I can't have kids? All these things continue to go through my mind and make me more and more scared for university. 

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm excited for university, I just am also extremely scared. I'm leaving home and going into the the great big world. Ahh.

Anyways! That's my rant for today! 
I need to get some sleep! Hopefully I get feeling better and can be productive tomorrow!
Xoxo, Brynn 

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Grandpa ❤️

While I was away at Wisconsin dells my mum called me and told me that grandpa had passed away. 
This was really tough for me because I had to be tough and couldn't just be sad like I wanted. 
When I got home I basically became a blubbering mess because I missed my grandpa and I never really got a proper goodbye. 
It helps knowig that I'll see him again, and that he's peaceful and no longer in pain. 
It still is extremely difficult to not have him here. It feels like a chunck of my life is missing. 
Our whole family is kindof acting strange - most likely because we're grieving in our own ways. It still doesn't make it easier that everyone seems to be either crying or angry. 
My grandma asked me to sing at the funeral - I'm more than happy to.. I think i owe that-  at least - to grandpa. I just worry that I'll be a blubber mess and sing like crap. I hope grandpa likes it and is up there watching ❤️

I love you to the moon and back grandpa. You're the best. Keep watching over and loving us. 
Xoxo, brynnie bear ❤️ 

Wisconsin dells

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Grad was crazy! So much fun! I ended up getting on the honor roll and got about 9 awards/scholarships! 
I'm beyond proud of my achievements and I know I could've got here without the people who love and care about me.
The emense support from everyone was amazing and I appreciate all the kid words, gifts, and fantastic people that have helped me on my journey! 
Just some photos of grad!
My dad's parents couldn't be there because grandpa is In the hospital sick, so prayers for him! Love you grandpa! Xoxo

Today I'm going with my best friend Jordan and her family to wiscosin dells for a Fun after grad trip! Should be fun! I won't have service since were in the states so it won't be able to blog very much! I'll keep updated when I can!


I changed my back ground to this: 😂😂 

Hopefully that helps me remember!

Anyways sending health, love, and an open and loving heart!
Xoxo, Brynn