Saturday, 5 July 2014

Wisconsin dells

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Grad was crazy! So much fun! I ended up getting on the honor roll and got about 9 awards/scholarships! 
I'm beyond proud of my achievements and I know I could've got here without the people who love and care about me.
The emense support from everyone was amazing and I appreciate all the kid words, gifts, and fantastic people that have helped me on my journey! 
Just some photos of grad!
My dad's parents couldn't be there because grandpa is In the hospital sick, so prayers for him! Love you grandpa! Xoxo

Today I'm going with my best friend Jordan and her family to wiscosin dells for a Fun after grad trip! Should be fun! I won't have service since were in the states so it won't be able to blog very much! I'll keep updated when I can!


I changed my back ground to this: 😂😂 

Hopefully that helps me remember!

Anyways sending health, love, and an open and loving heart!
Xoxo, Brynn 

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